Google Custom Search: More power to metadata

Last year, we introduced structured custom search. If you mark up your pages with custom metadata attributes, you can render them with your search results, and also restrict results based on specific attribute values.

Today, we’re happy to be releasing 2 additional metadata features:

  • Sort by Attribute: order search results based on values of specific attributes
  • Restrict to Range: only return search results with attributes within a defined range
For example, if you mark up your pages with custom metadata attributes, like dates, ratings and prices, you can order your search results by these attributes, such as sort by date, bias towards highly rated items, or restrict to a specific price range., a California news portal, uses the new Sort by Attribute feature in conjunction with the Google Custom Search Element to render recent stories with photos in the results:

SignOnSanDiego uses the new sort operator. The sort operator comes in several flavors, from a mild bias to strict sort ordering; uses a strong bias towards the publication date to ensure readers see not only the most relevant, but also timely news...